Animal Success Stories

Thank you for adopting from Texas Sporting Breed Rescue!

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Abigail (Abby)
Abigail (Abby)

Sweet Abby

Just wanted to give you an Abby update. She has settled in so well. We just love her with all our hearts, it's as if she's always been a part of our family. She is a complete lapdog and snuggler and has a cute morning routine, she runs upstairs every morning to wake up our daughter with puppy smooches and snuggles. Our little 11 yr old Schnorkie quickly became attached to Abby and they are never apart, always getting into mischief together! She starts Pet Manners class next week, and we think she may have a talent for agility! Thank you, thank you for allowing Abby to join our family